Saturday, 11 June 2016

Download camera fv-5 pro v3.2 gratis

Camera fv - 5 pro adalah salah satu aplikasi fotografi profesional. Aplikasi ini sebenarnya berbayar tetapi anda dapat mendownloadnya disini secara gratis. Simak dulu fitur yang ada pada fv-5 pro ini.

Features for Camera FV-5

  • All photographic parameters are adjustable and always at hand: exposure compensation, ISO, light metering mode, focus mode, white balance and program mode.
  • Full fledged exposure bracketing: from 3 to 7 frames, unlimited stops spacing, plus custom EV shifting.
  • Built-in intervalometer: make stunning timelapses (even bracketed/HDR timelapses) and time-controlled picture series.
  • Program and Speed-priority modes.
  • DSLR-like viewfinder display: see exposure time, aperture and stops display with EV and bracketing settings.
  • All camera functions assignable to volume keys. You can adjust EV, ISO, color temperature and more using volume keys. Devices with hardware camera shutter key are also supported.
  • JPEG as well as PNG** image formats for lossless photo capturing, perfect for post-processing.
  • Autofocus, macro, touch-to-focus*** and infinity focus modes, plus a focus lock switch (AF-L).
  • Digital zoom using multitouch pinch gesture. Also shows 35mm equivalent focal length!
  • Autoexposure (AE-L) and auto white balance (AWB-L) locks in Android 4.0+.
  • In background photo developing and processing allows a smooth, uninterrupted camera operation.
  • And more...


Link :
Dailyupload ==> download

Tuesday, 5 January 2016



pinacle studio adalah salah satu editor video terbaik yang pernah saya coba. Dari beberapa software editor video yang lain . kini pinacle sudah pada versi terbarunya yaitu pinacle studio 19 ultimate . silahkan bagi yang membutuhkan software pengedit video terbaik 2016 ini bisa di download secara gratis pada link dibawah

* Edit on unlimited tracks with frame accuracy in HD and/or advanced stereoscopic 3D
* Create eye-popping effects with Red Giant Filmmaker’s Toolkit and Motion Graphics Toolkit
* Add excitement with over 2000 2D/3D additional effects
* Includes green screen for shooting with superimposition in mind
* Create Dolby® 5.1 surround Blu-ray™/DVD discs and export to your favorite digital devices and formats
* Organize, tag, and rate your favorite clips and music with the built-in media library
* Enhance and correct movies, photos and audio right inside the media library
* Preview timeline and source clips simultaneously
* Use the trim editor to set source clip in/out points, then drag trimmed clips to the timeline for perfect cuts—just like the pros
* Import clips and movie projects from Pinnacle Studio for iPad1
* Quickly learn to make great videos using the included video tutorial DVDs
* Storyboard quick first drafts—even create movies automatically
* Layer animations and titles easily with included Montage templates
* Create custom-fit soundtracks with Scorefitter
* Share HD and 3D videos on Facebook®, YouTube®, and Vimeo® with one click
* Store projects and clips in the cloud to access anywhere, anytime—includes 50 GB2 of cloud access free from Box
* Zip through projects via 64-bit, NVIDIA® CUDA™, and Intel® Quick Sync Video optimization
* Access video and photos from HD camcorders and digital devices—even 3D
* Easily archive and restore your work with Project Packages

download gratis untuk 32bit:
==.> via Openload PART1 , PART2
== > via Uptobox PART1 , PART2

Download untuk 64bit :
==> usercloud PART1 , PART2
==> openload RTART1 , PART2

Thursday, 31 December 2015

Poweramp Full Version Unlocker 2-build-26 Crack APK


Musik dapat mengubah orang, mempersatukan kita, memungkinkan  kita untuk bersantai, dan kadang-kadang, bila dilakukan dengan benar, dapat memotivasi kita untuk melakukan hal-hal besar. Poweramp dapat  melakukan mewujudkannya . Poweramp menururut saya pribadi adalah aplikasi pemutar music terbaik untuk smartphone android yang pernah ada . Dari segi suara poweramp sangat mantap. ada bass booster dan equalizer yang dapat kita atur sesuai keinginan kita.

cara instal :
  1. Download apk
  2. Install
  3. Enjoy :)

screenshoot :

Download link

VideoShow Pro – Video Editor v5.2.0 Cracked APK

VideoShow Pro – Video Editor

Download video editor terbaik android adalah software terbaik untuk mengedit video untuk smartphone android . dalam aplikasi videoshow pro ini mendukung berbagai macam format video yang dapat diedit. Kita dapat mengedit seperti foto, video, musik untuk menjadikan sebuah video.


• The new generation of processing engine,More stable, faster!
you can download exclusive material for Pro user
• No ads!
• Support 4k video
• Support exporting 1080p video

• Zoom and rotate your video as you want!
• Intergrated video editor enviroment, What you see, is what you get!
• The fastest video creator. Simple, without pre-transcoding.
• Make video with photos! Mix video and photo together!
(New!) Add funny sticker to video. You can even draw a video!
• You can add text to video. Multiple text can be added on your video, Adjust it with accurate timing, various colors.
• Add beautiful effects to your videos. We support 10 filter including Beauty, Sepia, Sketch, etc.
• Add your favorite music. You can also dub to video.
• Trim video. It’s extremly fast.
• Share your video to Youtube/Instagram/Facebook.

Cara instal :

Download and install link dibawah
Selesai & buka aplikasi


Link download

==>> download videoshow pro gratis (19,3mb)

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

DIPTRACE full crack TERBARU 2016

Adalah versi terbaru dari novarm diptrace . Software ini adalah software favorit saya untuk pembuatan layaut pcb dan skema rangkaian. Menurut saya. Diptrace ini software yang mudah dan cepat untuk dipelajari, dan juga cukup lengkap fitur-fiturnya. Dan ukurannya juga relatif tidak terlalu besar yaitu <100mb. Software diptrace cukup ringan saat saya instal pada laptop saya yang hanya menggunakan prossesor dual core 2gb RAM dan pada operasi sistem windows 10 32bit. Dengan bantuan program DipTrace, proses pembuatan skema elektronik dapat lebih mudah, lebih cepat, dan lebih presisi sesuai dengan spesifikasi dan karakteristik komponen. Faktor kesalahan pun dapat dikurangi karena dapat dilakukan penganalisaan terlebih dahulu. Kegunaan lain dari DipTrace ini adalah dapat membuat gambar jalur PCB dengan mudah (auto routing), dimana jalur-jalur PCB akan dibuatkan secara otomatis sesudah skema rangkaian elektronik yang baru selesai dibuat. Ukuran fisik setiap kaki komponen elektronik pun lebih tepat karena sudah diprogram sesuai spesifikasi pabrik. DipTrace menyediakan banyak library komponen seperti switch, resistor, condensator, indukor, transistor, dioda, transformator, gerbang logika, dan masih banyak lagi. Di samping itu pengguna dapat merancang sendiri komponen baru sesuai kebutuhan melalui komponen editor. Warna tampilan desain pun dapat diatur sesuai selera, mulai dari warna latar putih sampai warna latar hitam, pengaturan dapat juga diterapkan untuk warna jalur dan warna komponen. Aplikasi ini juga bisa membuat layout PCB dengan cara langsung mengkonversi dari skematiknya.


  • Redesigned UI.
  • New library management system:
  • Library Groups;
    Standard and user libraries are separated to different groups, standard libraries can not be changed by user;
  • Project libraries and design cache;
  • Cross-module Library Manager;
  • Dynamic update of library groups, group content, active library / component between programs;
  • Library groups and libraries are visible in all dialog boxes where libraries are used (Library Setup - no more add / delete buttons and separate lists);
  • Filter feature with customizable number of parameters (search by current library, group or all libraries).
  • Unicode support in all program objects, files and UI elements.
  • STEP export of PCB 3D model.
  • STEP and IGES import of package 3D models.
  • IPC-D-356A Netlist Export.
  • BSDL Pinlist Import in Component Editor.
  • Updated import dialogs of third-party schematics and net-lists, remembering of attached patterns.
  • Printing multipage schematic as single document.
  • Updated Title Block Editor, "Attached Pattern" tool, editing of polygonal pads.
  • Redesigned Properties panel (on design area) for Component and Pattern editors.
  • Zooming / Panning with mouse wheel in all print / import / export panels with preview feature.
  • Update all Copper Pours and algorithm optimizations (approx 3x-5x speed-up).
  • Correct side changing for groups in PCB Layout.


Cara Install:

1). Disconnect Internet
2). Install Diptrace.exe sesuai dengan versi windows sobat sampai selesai Lalu buka
      aplikasinya dan masukkan serial number berikut

User name: Äëÿ íåêîììåð÷åñêîãî èñïîëüçîâàíèÿ
Reg. key : EW6P-5GEN-PFYM-PS97

Download gratis diptrace full crack dibawah
Link downlload:
==> via google drive
==> via novarm

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